Hello, I am having a very big problem and am at the end of my rope..........
We got our first ferret , Buddy , about a month ago.  He is now around 15
weeks.  We decided he would be happier with a brother, so we got another
baby 7 1/2 weeks old.  His name is Scrappy and they dont seem to be getting
along very well, from the minute they were introduced Buddy seems to want to
kill him, he bites him very hard and wants to drag him everywhere, he even
shakes his head while bitting him.  I've tried several things, first of all
they are sleeping and living seperately, they are only allowed together for
VERY short periods of time, and they are always supervised.  My husband and
I are starting to argue over it, he says let them fight it out.  I really
cant do that, Scrappy is much smaller and does not even try to fight back,
He cries (he does cry alot anyway) and I know he is being hurt.  They have
never just played .  I've read several things to try and I've tried them
all, I've put ferretone all over Scrappy ( He was like a brillo pad after ),
I've sprayed Buddy with water while he was bitting, and I've put a natur al
version of bitter apple all over Scrappy ( That clearly bothered Scrappy
more than Buddy ).  I also read that bathing them together might help, it
didnt.  I've put Scrappy in Buddy cage alone and with Buddy.  Nothing is
working, not even a little.  I dont feel like Buddy is so old that he is
used to being alone.
If anyone can help me or has any advice it would be very much appreciated.
Please e-mail me [log in to unmask]
                   Buddy & Scrappy
[Posted in FML issue 1846]