>From:    Rebecca Katlin Coleman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Bizarre ferret dream/ Labs and ferrets?/ Vet still needed
>Last night I had the most bizarre dream.
Well, good, I'm not the only loony one!  <bg> Don't worry, you're in good
company.  I think it's probably just a dream about wanting to protect your
fuzzies.  I have fert dreams fairly often, and they're usually of the same
type, especially when one of my babies is sick or I'm just worried.  One I
remember really well involved the aftermath of a hurricane (we used to live
in Florida :) and us trying to get out of the area.  We stopped to help
someone whose motorhome had overturned in deep water, and the fuzzies
escaped!  I ran around grabbing them, then suddenly, from out of nowhere,
there were more!  So I was frantically grabbing all these fuzzies with seven
or eight in my arms at once and trying to get them all in our car to save
them from being swept away.
Thank goodness that was a dream!  I can only imagine what my SO would've
said upon seeing dozens of fuzzbuts piled in our car!!  :D
[Posted in FML issue 1833]