Hi everyone,
I was LOL when I saw the recent postings on your ferret's nicknames.  I,
too, absentmindedly starting calling my fuzzbuckets different nicknames and
some I must admit are pretty silly:
Jasmine:  Jazz, Jammin', Jazz-matazz, the Jazz'ter, Jazzy-fuzzy-face
Casey:  Case, Casemeister, Kay-ceeeeee, Ms. K.C., Casers
Samantha:  Sammy, Sam, Sammers, the Samster-Hamster, Sweetpea
On another note, Sam the baby (now almost 8 weeks old) has definitely grown
alot over the past week and is asserting herself quite a bit more
aggressively toward Casey and Jasmine!  She doesn't let Casey get the best
of her anymore... now Sam jumps on Casey & bites her instead!!!  :) She is
still a sweetheart of a baby & its funny seeing how tough she is getting for
being so small next to her bigger sisters!
Many dooks and love to all this Valentine's Day!
Jen, Jasmine, Casey and Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 1845]