>From:    Ferret Rescue of Tidewater <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Salt water ferrets;vacationing in VA
>I believe that in Northern VA there are counties where ferrets are not
>allowed, but I am not sure which ones.
Nope.  None up here.  Ferrets are cool in NoVa.  There was a city ordinance
put in Waynesboro (not NoVa but Shendoah Valley) several years ago but was
repealed before it went into effect.  Virginians aren't generally the sort
of folks that like strict government rules.
>From:    "Ryan, Jamie" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Gay ferret?
>I too fit the average profile of a ferret owner.  According to Pam's survey,
>the most common trait of a ferret owner is female.
This has been the results of many surveys including those from the AFA.
Professional women ahead of blue collar as well.
>From:    Sheila Crompton <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Aleutian Disease in the Ferret - CD vaccine
>I have seen most diseases mentioned on the FML but not Aleutian Disease.
Its not a common enough problem to crop up often.  One of the reasons mink
breeders also raise ferrets is as a early warning alarm for distemper and
>quite frankly I am loth to use a vaccine that isn't 100% safe.
No vaccine is unfortunately.  Vaccine is effectively a viral poison designed
to trigger a response in the immune system.  Hard to make that safe.  People
vaccines aren't 100% safe either since its the same thing (different virus -
same intent)
>From:    Jazmyn Concolor <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: CFL and Exotics
We agree rather completely.  Some "exotics" are good pets.  Some are not.
But that depends as much on the person as the animal.  We know folks who
think cobras are pets.  Not us but that is their choice.
>Cheetahs were kept as pets and hunting animals by the same ancient
>egyptians that domesticated the ferret.
However, hasn't the Egyptian connection for ferrets been mostly discredited?
Leave it to an engineer to be extremely precise to the point of annoying
"allies" ....
>From:    zen and the art of ferrets - bill and diane <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Obvious Confusion
>Polecats do chose theremates over unusual colors.
Dang it.  Hate when we post a typo.  Poleys do *not* mate based on color.
We even annoy ourselves with precision.... <grin>
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 1845]