Hi everyone!
Just had to sit down right away and tell the tale of the Bubba Proof
wastebasket.  Bubba our 16mo. old male troublemaking ferret likes to get
into our new wastebasket in the kitchen.  Our old trash can was higher and
we never really had a problem with this before.  Well, the old one literally
fell apart so we had to get a new one.  When I bought this one I didn't
realize that it was shorter than the last one.  Since that fateful evening
our lives have never been the same.  The instant that "thing" was brought
into the house, pandamonium has ruled.  Madie our tiny little precious (Ha
Ha).....devil in disguise little girl jumped into the empty wastebasket.
She thought this was a new play toy.  My husband had to make a wooden stool
to put it on.  We thought life would be back to normal.... boy were we ever
wrong.  Bubba had other plans.  Madie gave up on the "new toy" but Bubba's
daily goal is to knock over the garbage.  He gets behind the stool, pushes
it away from the wall, and works until his has knocked the wastebasket over.
It doesn't matter how empty or full it is.  We have the trash sitting on the
kitchen counter most of the time anymore.  Well, my wonderful, innovative
husband tonight decided to make a contraption on the wall to attach the
wastebasket to.  He used a very large rubber band and two large screws.
Everything "looked" great.  I'll wager it wasn't 10 minutes after Bubba got
up that the trash was once more tipped over.  I was a witness to this
amazing feat.  Bubba carefully pushed the stool away from the wall and stood
on the top of it while pushing at the bottom of the basket.  Now remember
this "was" all attached to the wall by a rubber band so as he pushed the
wastebasket, the rubber band stretched and the wastebasket started to slide
down.  In record time Bubba had accomplished his daily goal.  I thought I
was going to die laughing as my husband looked over and started
screaming....Bubba you little brat.  I guess this means my husband will be
back at the drawing board once again inventing a "Bubba Proof" wastebasket
holder!!!  Oh, by the way, Bubba WILL be getting a bath tonight.  He
"smells" suspiously like garbage.  Do you think this will teach him a
lesson?  NOT !!
Love and fuzzy kisses to everyone
Pat and the Krazy 8: Bubba, Weasey, Emmet, Madie, Mooky, Mitzi, Opie and
[Posted in FML issue 1833]