Hello Fellow Ferret Lovers,
Today is Valentine's Day!!!!!!  The Doyle Family wishes BIG and all FML'ers
a wonderful loving day today!
We celebrated by buying the kids a cup cake and letting them lick the
frosting off of it.  We got some wonderful pictures.
The ferrets bought Dad and Uncle Steve little suffed monkeys that sing.
They have sun glasses and headphones on.  They sing:
Roses are Red
and Violets are Blue
Your so sweet
I'm wild about you
Ooh, Ooh,
Ooh, Ooh,
Ooh, Ooh!
It's a rap song.  It's so cute.  Lots of Love to everyone!!!!!!
Lisa, David, Uncle Steve,
Rosie, Maxie, Sammi, Shiva, Tony and Cleo (still at boot camp :( !!!!!!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 1845]