Hello all Ferret Lovers.
Would you please take a second and e-mail me ([log in to unmask]) what you give
your ferret as a treat.  We will be having a meeting on this subject next
month and I would like all input from all over the country.  If you have any
info either way on a certain item, good or bad, I would appreciate it.
My ferrets love cantalope!  They know exactly what shelf I store it on and
patiently wait at the refrig door until someone reads their mind.  The only
bad side effect that I know of is that too much, (if one hogs the others out
of their portion) will cause loose poops.  Plus during the winter the price
of a cantalope is like liquid gold, but they are worth it.
Please let me know your favorit treats  and I will pass it on to our club.
[Posted in FML issue 1833]