Hi!  Do ferrets ever go through stages when they eat everything in sight and
become very destructive?  Scooter is almost 6 months old and has just
started within the last week to eat anything and everything.  She's like a
First it was string, even though we have searched high and low for the
source we do not know where she is getting it from.  Then, on the weekend
she grabbed my cloth hair band off the coffee table and within 3 seconds
ripped a piece of the cloth off it and before I could grab it, gulped it
down.  Now, in the last hour I just found her under the bed eating apart her
wicker basket that she sleeps in!  When I took that away, she started eating
on the blankets!  What could be up with her?  Is she rebelling or something?
We have always commented on what a good ferret she was when hearing about
ferrets eating things, not our Scooter!  Is this just part of her growing
Also, she has started to rip at the carpet in areas where there is nothing.
Anything that she can get a hold of she tears apart.  Everything else about
her is normal.  She eats and drinks well, and always has fresh water and
fresh food available to her.  Also, she has a lot of play time with us out
her cage.
I am afraid that my boyfriend and I totally spoil her.  Could she
psychologically know this and be taking advantage of this?  I think that
ferrets are a lot smarter than we think they are.  Any suggestions would be
appreciated.  I really hope this is just a phase!
Monica and Scooter
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[Posted in FML issue 1843]