Hi Everyone!
Its been a while since I last posted, but the stuff has been hitting the
fan - I have two babies (ferrets) to break of bad habits like biting, litter
digging, food digging, etc and one getting ready for surgery (Kyle for
adrenals), one waiting for surgery (Mischief), a new job, and all sorts of
other stuff!  Its been busy around here!
I had to respond to Mo' Bob - I think your post was wonderful!  So many
times, we focus on the wrong things and it takes a post like yours to bring
us back.  Ferret ethics is a topic near and dear to me, and one of the
hardest things to discuss - what is quality of life?  When does it end or
begin?  Who makes the decision to end a life, or not do surgery?
I am lucky that my vets treat my ferrets and the rescues as family - they
grieve with me when one of my ferrets die, they offer suggestions and
alternatives to surgery if in their opinion (or mine) surgery is not the
best option.  They do medicate my animals for pain (I requested it the first
time, and know they just do it automatically).  I have had my vet take my
ferrets home with him to treat thru the night - I can't ask for a better
more dedicated Vet!
But I do try know to make the decisions without asking the vet - I know that
it is as hard or harder on him as it is on me, and sometimes I think that I
am being unfair when I press him for an answer - I am currently going
through such a dilemma with my own ferret, Sasha.  She is 7 years old, and
just diagnosed with insulinoma.  I can't put her through the surgery, when
all I will selfishly gain is another year or so more with her, when it may
take her 3 months to recover from the surgery, and it will not cure her of
her disease.  This is a personal decision that I have made, and I will live
with it.  She is currently in no pain, no discomfort and I will not do that
to her - I have owned Sash since she was 6 weeks old, and she is my constant
companion - my shoulder ferret, my hood ferret, my biking partner , my house
ferret.  The medication that she is on controls her blood glucose to a 60/68
reading, and should it drop I will place her on proglycem along with pedia
pred.My decision will only change if her situation changes.
If Sasha, or any other ferret in my house becomes ill to the point that I
believe that they will not recover, or be in constant pain, I will make the
decision to euthanize.  I will not prolong an animals' pain any longer than
necessary - I believe that this is the hardest part of pet ownership - but
also our largest responsibility.  We have chosen to be caretakers for these
animals, and provide food, water, shelter, medical care and companionship to
the best of our own abilities - and when we can not, then we must choose to
end their suffering.  I will and have poured thousands of dollars into
animals because the outlook was good; money is not an issue - I would sell
the shirt off of my back if thats what it took to get my animals the care
they needed - Why?  because I said that I would take care of them PERIOD.  I
love my ferrets dearly and do not like to see them in any discomfort.
Ethics is a personal issue with everyone and means something different to
each of us.  I can only hope that it always comes out in favor of the animal.
[Posted in FML issue 1841]