I've received some interesting notes about what things cost in different
parts of the country.  It looks like the adrenal quote of $850 WAS a little
off the mark.  $300 seems to be the average, give or take $75.  Many
ferreteers pay $25-30 for basic visits & shots.  And I gladly paid $250 for
removal of a nasty mast cell tumor.  Anyone have any other input about
average costs?
If nothing else, this kind of discussion is good for anyone not familiar
with ferrets who might want one but not realize what kind of financial
responsibility they MUST be prepared to handle.  A ferret is not a hamster.
Medical costs MUST be anticipated.
I am very sorry that some people received flames about their alleged lack of
caring just because they wanted to ask about prices.  Can't we all just get
along?  It's apalling that we can't freely exchange fears, misgivings, and
thinking out loud, without getting attacked.  We shouldn't be afraid to talk
about difficult subjects.  C'mon, FMLers, let's lighten up on each other.
Cody ( So what's a little bald spot?  I can try a comb-over.)
Chip  ( My plastic surgeon did a great job, and I'm sure I'll still have a
career in cinema.)
Dale  ( I haven't cost anything.....yet!)
[Posted in FML issue 1841]