Tonight an interesting idea came to me.  Maybe if there are enough people
interested we could really set this up.  OK here it is...
With all the ferret owners all over the US, Canada, Australia, etc, it would
be pretty easy to set up a sort of fuzzy chain.  What I mean by that is, say
for example I'm making a trip to say Maine from Texas and I'm going to
drive.  Well between Maine and Texas is more than 1000 miles, and hundreds
of ferrets and thier owners.  What we could do to help each other out, is
say offer our spare bedrooms, hidebeds whatever.  That way not only do you
save money on a hotel, but you get to meet fellow fuzzies and thier
interesting people along the way.  This way it would be very easy to bring
your fuzzies on your car trip/flight/train ride, whatever and know you're
not going to have to sneak our little fuzz butts into hotel rooms and such.
I know you all do it, casue I've done it many a time, with ferrets, cats and
dogs.  We could set a central point where a couple people match potenial
travels with hosts.  I remember in high school band we used to do this sort
of thing all the time.  One time we had a band come down from Calgary,
alberta to Spokane.  Each band memeber hosted at least one of thier band
members, more if you had room.  Then when we travel to Calgary they hosted
us in thier homes.  So what do you all think?  It could be an interesting
project.  We even could ask for each night you say with someone that you
make say a $10-20 donation to thier local shelter, or a shelter of thier
choice if none are available.  That way you still save money and help a
shelter in need as well.
Matthew Kritter.................. [log in to unmask]
Peanut Kritter............. [log in to unmask]
Bijoux Kritter.............. [log in to unmask]
Munchkin Kritter...... [log in to unmask]
Figaro Kritter.......... [log in to unmask]
World Wide Pager.....
[Posted in FML issue 1841]