Sukie Crandall wrote:
>Subject: NEED HELP with Spring shed jitters
One thing I used when Stan was still dealing with dry skin and hair from his
long bout with ece was cold pressed Jojoba oil.  It does not turn rancid and
has no smell.  It worked very well.  I got it at a natural foods store.
>Ferris James
>Subject: supplements, ferret soup problem
I get a lot of my supplies from Omaha Vaccine.  I don't happen to have a
catalog handy right now but they do have a 800 number you can call and
request a catalog.
As for the ferret soup, I think I would just feed it once or twice a week.
Let it be special.  I have some too that would eat just that if they were
>Andrea Garza
>Subject: Too much ferratone?
I think the dosage on the bottle is high.  You do have to worry with
overdose with fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin A.  So to be safe I would
cut down.  Flax seed oil will be accepted by some ferrets and has a much
lower amount of vitamin A in it.  Check the refrigerated section of your
favorite health food store.
As for covering cage floors, I use indoor/outdoor carpet runner I bought at
Home Depot.  It is around 36" wide, and cheap at >$2.00 a running foot.  I
clean up messes with didy wipes and once a week or so wash it in the washing
machine.  It does just fine.  Shrinks just a hair.  It is easy to cut to
fit.  I fit the length and width by holding it to the top of the crate and
then make cuts for ramps and such.  You can stick it in place with double
sided carpet tape, also available at same place.
Sherri wrote
>PS--what's the proper way to treat shock?
The main thing to do is keep the animal warm and still.  So you did by
instict the right thing.
Mo' Maggie and 19 Mischievious Monsters
[Posted in FML issue 1839]