Ok I am not here to be nagging brat =->but I just had to respond.  You did
not losse you cat to AIDS you lost it to FIV... there is a diffrence... FIV
is a type of kitty aids... that when ever they get sick its harder on them.
There currently is no cure but there is very good treatment.  We had a cat
that was diganosed with it and died 4 and half years later at the age of
14!!  They lead normal happy lives.... they just require some care.
I leave it to the experts to argue the techinal stuff, I just wanted to
Yes its a ver easy disese for cats to pass on.... after this girl died we no
know that 4 of our 9 cats have the disese.  =-<  But they are just fine....
our vet knows lots about this just about has it nipped in the bud.... if
anyone needs info PLEASE mail me and I will do the best I can.
 Austin& CJ
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FE>From:    Judith Emery <[log in to unmask]>
FE>Subject: Animals and AIDS
FE>We adopted a street cat who turned out to have AIDS -- apparently feline
FE>AIDS tends to be contracted by strays who get into fights --transmission
FE>is easier I guess.
[Posted in FML issue 1832]