Help....My year old male is changing color!  I've read all of the FAQ and
can't seem to find anything that explains this....When we got Sherman at
8weeks we were told that he was a cinnamon.  I have no idea to this day what
he really is.  I have a picture of him at
Anyway, he has turned kind of silver on the back of his head and shoulders
and his whole coat looks alot lighter.  I have never changed his food(Iams
Kitten) and his stools and his personality has not changed at all...He's
very healthy and happy...
If this is just a normal season change or because he's just turned a year
old, that's fine.  I'd love him even if his coat changed to pea green....If
anyone has any thoughts on this, please share.
Chris Green
Sherman( Hey, I'm looking like an old man here!!!)
There's too much blood in my caffeine system.
Chris Green
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[Posted in FML issue 1838]