Hello all!
Yet another lurker comes forth from the shadows...My husband and I live in
Chicago with our sweet tempered ferret girl, Fools.  There is a chain that
has been rapidly growing in our area called Pet Care.  In the past, they
have only carried pet supplies (in my area, at least.) However, a new store
opened up near me and they now have animals as well.
The animals, mostly rodents, ferrets and a hedgehog or two.  The cages
seemed clean, but I worried a bit about the following:
1) The size of the cages for the animals did not necessarily correspond to
   the varied sizes of the inhabitants. (Ferrets vs. mice, for example)
2) Some ferrets were in aquariums
3) Pine chip bedding was being used for all of the small mammals.
Bad News: I had a discussion with an employee at the store about the bedding
(hadn't even seen the aquarium ferrets yet) and she disagreed with my notion
that the bedding was a poor choice, dismissing the subject.
Good News: In our conversation, she inferred that the employees at that
store choose the type of bedding used, which would imply that there is no
specific company policy forcing them to use wood chips.  (yet)
Thus, I am trying to gather facts from respected sources on the hazards of
the bedding to send to Pet Care's corporate office and bring to the store
near me.  Also, if anyone could refer me to further information or data re:
aquariums, ventilation & ferrets or the proper amount of space for them, I
would greatly appreciate it.
For Chicagoans, the store I've mentioned is at the Clark/Halsted/Barry
When I have more information about *who* to bug, I'll pass it on.
Fools: "Hey! Why did you take that Christmas tree down?! Just because I
haven't figured out how to steal it yet, does NOT mean I don't want it!"
[Posted in FML issue 1837]