Meltdown has been feeling so well that she overdid it with her toys and had
her ascites blow up again today.  She's now on 0.5 cc of Furosemide three
times/ day.  If she improves enough by tomorrow she will return to 0.4 (but
she will be bumped back up to 0.5 if it does not hold).  It turns out that
Furosemide is not toxic, but there are related dangers such as dehydration
and lose of appetite.  Now it's time to ignore the books since they don't go
where she is going and just try.  Fortunately, she is a BIG drinker, and she
LOVES her Totally Ferret and enjoys her other foods as well.
At the Vet Hospital we found out that she now has TWO nicknames there:
Wonder Ferret, and Energizer Ferret.
We didn't know it before but it turns out that the way in which ferrets blow
up so very fast with ascites is unusual.  (It's harder to catch, but we
think it helps figure out workable dosing so may be good in the long run if
people have the chances to watch carefully.)
She also did something REALLY strange: She once had to be rehydrated
slightly in relation to one of her emergencies in the last two months, and
when she had her bout of ascites today that area filled up with fluid!  She
filled her own hump!  Really weird.
Anyway, her ascites is going back down, and she is reveling in her perfume,
and in all the attention.  She won't like it as much when we keep checking
on her tonight, though!
[Posted in FML issue 1837]