While at a friend's the other night, i looked through the F volume of a
nearly twenty-year-old set of encyclopedias they bought 'for the
entertainment value.' They had a very cute picture of a black-footed ferret,
and some moderately accurate information about them, but with regards to the
"common European" ferret they had two things to say that stuck in my memory
(paraphrased, i dont have the book in front of me): "The eye color is
usually red, with a variety of coat colors," and "The domestic ferret is
aggressive and rarely displays affection." Now we know where the CAF&G is
getting their info.  :)
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1834]