Rob Crano said:
>Also has any one else had a problem with playing a harmonica around their
>carpet-sharks.  Thyme seems to be hurt by the high notes.  Evertime i tried
>to play she has jumped a attacked me like a jap-zero piolot(hence the term
Although I don't own a harmonica, my little neice has this toy we call "the
accordian" (kind of a little tykes primary colours thing that vaguely
resembles an accordian).  "the guys" (Cookie and Periscope) go completely
insane when the accordian is played (squeaked).  They jump at whoever is
playing it with their mouths open... we eventually had to hide it because my
neice wanted to play it and watch them jump all the time.  Someone theorized
it sounds like a baby ferret in pain and they were jumping to protect it.
Actually Stephanie my neice and I came up with this song (she is 2.5 yrs old)
"Cookie and Periscope
Are Two Ferrets,
They have pink noses,
they like to cuddle each other,
the like when Stephanie plays the accordian...
YAY!" (jump all around)
I think it sounds better in person *grin*
Marianne and "the guys"
Cookie and Periscope (who are girls actually)
[Posted in FML issue 1834]