Hi everyone,
I've read a lot of different ferret books and have heard some varying
opinions regarding the risk of heartworm for ferrets and I'm hoping I can
get some comments from all of you to help clear things up.
Every one of the books I've read said giving heartworm preventative to your
ferrets is an absolute must (even if your ferrets are indoor pets -- which
most ferrets are, and mine definitely are since I live in the FFZ state)!
Now that spring is approaching and therefore mosquito season soon as well,
should I be concerned about this and get heartworm medicine for my fuzzitts?
As I mentioned, I live in Calif.  in an apt.  w/o any real outdoor access
for my fuzzgirls :( ...so I don't know if I should be worried about this.
What do you all do regarding heartworm preventatives?  Thanks in advance!
Jen (the hooman bean), Jasmine (Ms. Jazz-ma-tazz), Casey (the Case-meister)
and Samantha (Sammers, the baby and new ruler of the household!)
P.S.  GREAT fuzzy limericks and bumper-sticker slogans on this list lately,
thanks for the idea Bob!  Keep 'em coming in!  :)
[Posted in FML issue 1856]