We got the blood panel and xray results back for Friday (who was having
problems walking) and all results show completely normal blood sugar and
hormone levels and nothing wrong with her spine.  The xray did show lots of
lung congestion, which is related to the previous snortling problem.  The
bloodwork results do a lot to suggest it is NOT an adrenal or insulinoma
However, her troubles walking are getting worse.  She walks now with a
completely flat back, and her hindquarters are very prone to falling to one
or the other side.  Sometimes she gives up and just drags them around, using
one rear leg to assist by pushing along the carpet.  She cannot scratch her
neck or ears with either hind leg, and barely her shoulders.  However, she
seems able to push away with her back legs with some fair amount of
strength, she just can't control them.
She is very energetic and not at all tired.  She is alert, curious, and
clearly frustrated that her legs aren't working right, but doesn't let it
deter her from getting into anything interesting.  She's lost weight over
the past two months, but not a lot.  She drinks and eats very heartily, but
i am giving her Nutrical on top of that.
My vet has given me some prednisone to treat Friday with an
anti-inflammatory, but since her symptoms are getting markedly worse by the
day i'm hoping for some sort of suggestions or comments from those with
similar experiences.
 ___ Melissa Litwicki __ [log in to unmask] ___
 By the whole newsgroup devoted tennis showing
     it after scarfing fork and laughters
[Posted in FML issue 1856]