Bear with me if I'm a bit off -- running a fever again so I'll try to be
slow and methodical.  Those who have been caregivers in extended chronic
situations know how it is -- when the sick one is well enough you try to
catch up on everything that could not get done during the illness, and you
never get enough sleep.  Once Meltdown passes on this will stop, but
personally it's worth it to me to have her around, and it's not as hard as a
human extended care situation by a long-shot.
We DID manage to switch the room around so we could add a futon this last
week, and that means a person can sleep in the same room as Meltie, also we
have ordered a new cage which should allow her what our current options do
not -- enough paper room, and enough bed/water/food room yet still fit
semi-comfortably next to the bed for rough nights.  Of course, there will
probably still be some all-nighters coming up, anyway.
Today will just revolve around wearing a face mask and remembering to wash
up twice before each time I have to hold her of handle anything of her's.
She's been doing very well for several days now.  Every time we see how
tough terminal ferrets are and how they figure out how to enjoy what they
have instead of worry about what they don't have (except when they sometimes
let you know that the toy another ferret has should be their's now) they
inspire us.  Besides.  Meltdown is just a good soul, with a kind and loving
The other guys just have to play in the romp room and have minimal contact.
I feel guilty, but I don't want them sick.
Julia, We did not look for just a Marshall Farms ferret; we also made sure
that the store carried ONLY Marshall Farms and that the distributor carried
ONLY Marshall Farms to avoid ECE cross-contamination.  That's because you
and some other kind souls posted warnings here before about distributors who
carry multiple breeders' ferrets.  Those who did that: one of the lives you
saved was Meltdown's, so thank you very, very much.
Kat's limerick "Are ferrets and polecats the same..." is WONDERFUL!!!!  In
fact, it should be used in the press releases if she'll allow it.  Some well
constructed Limericks could be useful tools to humorously get the points
across.  Sometimes humor will work when nothing else will.  Hope the CA
folks noticed it and contacted her!
Judith's cage repair with cake rack was BRILLIANT!
There are a few folks I want to write but I'm not all here enough, so if I
don't see other's helping I'll jump in when I get better.
Thanks for putting up with me during the hard times and letting me gripe.
[Posted in FML issue 1854]