OK, here goes:
Flavio was a cinnamon fert,
   who squeeked every time he was hurt,
He squeeked when he'ld play,
   he squeeked all the day
and once when he was covered in dirt.
There once was a ferret named Smudgy
   whose shape was a bit pudgy,
Ma put him on a diet
   said, "Smudge you should try it."
But the big boy just wouldn't budgie.
At 3 am came a guy named Bob,
   from California he brought me a hob.
Now the ferret's a hobbit,
   'cause the vet he did bobbit,
but Mrs. Bob says the guy's still a hob.
From under the couch comes Anna MaWheeeee.
   She flies and stings like a bee.
Instead of a stinger
   she'll bite your finger
and retreat to scratch a flea.
I know, I know, but I've had a hard week.
Speeking of my hard week it was really a light in my morning reading everone
elses' limericks and slogans!  Thanks for the idea, Bob.  Of course it would
come from a field biologist.  When I was one, our humor was a lot more
risque.  But then it also had a lot of help from a bottle of Ole Overcoat.
& Anna MaWheeeee
[Posted in FML issue 1854]