Someone sent me a private post about ECE last month, and I threw it away by
accident while cleaning out my in-box.  If I saved it, I can't find it.  If
someone would be so kind as to send me information on this dreaded disease,
or an internet address, I'd be greatfull!  (sorry to the person who took the
time to send me the info.  the first time)
Are there any ferret owners from Tuscon, AZ out there?  I would love to get
involved in a ferret club, or ferret events in town.  It would be nice to
meet some other ferret owners in my own city.  Everything seems to happen on
the east coast!  Ive' read one thing on the internet about a ferret event at
the Spring Fling.  Anyone know anything about this?
Andrea Garza
Faya, and Zero
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[Posted in FML issue 1853]