Hi everyone:
Well, my Pukie got out again.  In the beginning of the month, my pukie got
out in the cold.  She was out there for 36 hour.  She showed up on the step
waiting to get in.  I was so happy, I didn't expect her to survive.
Anyway, yesterday, she got out again (I thought she would have learned her
lesson.  I walked the whole neighborhood and talked to all the neighbors.  I
squeeked her toy and worried all day.  She excaped around 11:00AM.  I left
the door open a small crack incase she came home she could get in.  Around
9:00PM she strolled in the door like she did this everyday.  Again, I was
very grateful.
My Pukie plays hard for 2 hours and sleeps hard for 6 hours.  Anyway I think
that when she was awake she would come to the door (she doesn't scratch) but
if we weren't there to let her in (or the door open) she would leave and go
to sleep somewhere.
I would tell anyone who's ferret excapes to leave their door open a few
inches, maybe they will be as lucky as I was.
Pukie:  I'm hungry!  Stop hugging me and feed me.
Sukie:  Where you been?  I missed you.  Can I go next time?
[Posted in FML issue 1853]