Millie escaped last night.  It's a long story, but basically, I heard
something scrabbling in the courtyard outside my window, when I looked out,
I saw a dark ferrety-shaped creature disappearing under the fence.  This was
about 10.30pm.  After about an hour of searching around the street and
generally alienating our neighbours, we heard the dog from the house behind
us barking hysterically and someone shouting "what is it?!" Well, we dashed
down to the back fence and looked over, the dog had Millie bailed up against
the wall of the house and we could hear her screaming.  We called to the
people there "is that a ferret?" as we were leaping over the fence, but by
the time we got there, she was gone.
It's all a bit of a nightmare.  She's such a sweet, gentle girl - she
doesn't deserve this.  I know she's out there somewhere, scared, hungry and
thirsty, possibly even hurt.  I didn't sleep at all last night.
I'm stuck here at work, which is SO frustrating.  Jarrod went round the
neighbourhood this morning knocking on doors, but no luck.  He's also been
wandering around with her favourite jingly toy.  I've put together some
fliers and will do a mailbox drop this afternoon, and stick posters up at
the local shops and school.  We've left food and water outside, and her
travel cage.  I also scattered cat biscuits all around the yard and at every
doorway to the house, which we're leaving open.
If anyone else has any good ideas, I'd be happy to hear them.  My e-mail is
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[Posted in FML issue 1853]