Howdy Ya'll!
I have been reading up on ECE at ferret central.  Lately I have noticed
green poop!  About a week ago I found one green poop but then it was gone.
Then last night I found some more!  Here is the situation.  I have recently
changed food totally!  I was feeding them Sheppard and Greene food and they
refused to eat it but they were taking treats and other food, so I went out
and got 8in1 food and they chowed.  Now I can't really tell if all of them
are eating!  I am almost positive that they are all eating!  They are all
very active bright eyed and bushy tailed!  They all drink water, believe me
I hear it at like 4 in the morning!  I also have the 8in1 treats and they
gobble it up!  So I am wondering if it is ECE or something else!  If it is
ECE my ?  is this.  Will the duck soup recipe on ferret central cure ECE or
do i have to do something else too?  I am kinda confused on the whole deal!
Since I have them all in one cage I would want to treat them all.  So do I
make the stuff give it to all of them and then they will be fine after like
10 days or do I have to take them to the vet for something?  I don't want a
whole lot of people e-mailing me PLEASE!  This is my dad's computer address
and I don't want him swamped so please only people who really know a lot
about ECE and maybe know what is wrong with mine please e-mail me or post
one here!  Thank you in advance!
As far as the ferret math goes I am going to get the little albino at the
shop!  She is vicioius!  She like attacks people and will not let go!  I had
to get my mom to help me get her off my thumb!  Well I hope she will grow
out of it!  She is only 8 weeks old!  :)
Thanks in advance to everyone who may be able to help me!
Princess Leia- What the new one bites?  I will fix that!!!
Wicket- Alright now we can beat up on someone else Leia!
Chewy-I'm you're pal right right!!!!Right new little one????
New one-So you think you can control me huh?????
[Posted in FML issue 1851]