Another related incident:
When our newest boy, Buckwheat, was only nine weeks old, he was playing
under the bathroom sink with his older buddy, Alfalfa.  I don't keep
anything toxic under there, so figured is was a safe play area.  Wrong!  I
was downstairs in my office and heard a strange cry.  I ran upstairs to find
Bucky with his head stuck in a full roll of toilet paper.  He couldn't get
out, and I couldn't get him out either.  I could see the terror in his
little face from the other end of the roll, because he couldn't breath!  I
ran with him to find a pair of sewing scissors to cut him free, which
finally worked.  By that time, however, he was bleeding through his nose and
his ears and he was coughing, gasping and drooling.  I jumped in the car
with this gasping little thing in my lap, fearing the worst, and raced to
the vet.  By the time I got there, Bucky was a little better, but the vet
wasn't sure whether there might have been some lung damage.  So I left him
there for the weekend just in case he needed oxygen or something.  Luckily,
he was fine, and Bucky is now a 3 lb monster!  But I shudder to think what
would have happened if I had had the radio on and hadn't heard his cries!
Needless to say, those cabinets are now off limits!
[Posted in FML issue 1851]