I wanted to make everyone aware of a critical situation at the FerretWise
Shelter.  Alicia has just taken in a little boy, approximately 5 months old,
with a serious condition.  It has been determined by Alicia's veterinarian
that this ferret's back is broken.  The spinal cord is not severed, but the
extent of the damage cannot be determined yet, due to the extent of pain
this poor little boy has.  One rear leg has already atrohpied and will never
recover fully.  He is now residing at the vet's office and everything
possible is being done to ease his pain and find hope for his recovery.  I
am afraid it does not look good.  The vet has asked for ten days, at the end
of that time a decision will have to be made, if there is not marked
improvement.  In the meantime his expenses are mounting and the shelter's
funds are nil.
Alicia and I feel the same about these kids we rescue.  We take them in no
matter what their condition, we figure out how to handle the bills in
whatever way we can, often at great personal sacrifice, but we would never
turn away a sick or injured fur-child.  Sometimes we know immediately upon
seeing the little one, that they will never leave the shelter, or that their
bills will be triple what an adoption fee would cover, or that their time
will be very short.  But we have to give them all that we can give.  We do
what we do for *them*, not for money or any other reasons, simply for the
ferrets who need us.  Anyone who wishes to help this little one in her
shelter now, should be well aware of the fact that no matter what we do, he
still may not make it.  Alicia called me today, very upset, because she
feels guilty that folks want to help this little one by sending money for
his bills, but she can't be sure he will even survive.  She said she doesn't
feel right in taking money if the ferret will not even make it.  I explained
that no matter what happens, there will still be vet bills to pay for this
little guy, and it is not fair to turn down help when her shelter is in dire
financial straits already.  Finally, she agreed she would accept donations
for this little boy, but wants everyone donating to first understand that
his chances of survival are not good.  If he does survive, no matter what
the extent of ongoing care he needs, we already have an excellent home
waiting, someone well equiped and experienced in dealing with cases like
The Ferret Lover's Club will have funhouses available from the Ferretwise
shelter at the next meeting, Sunday, Feb 9th.  We will also have one
funhouse to raffle.  All proceeds from the sale of these items will go
toward the care and support of Alicia's special little boy we are all trying
so desperately to help.
This little boy needs everyone's help and prayers.
Director, Ferrets First Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 1834]