Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to tell everyone that Ollie is looking a little better each
day, but I am going to supplement his diet with duck soup for awhile to try
and fatten him up.  Don't like seeing his hip bones.
Looked in on him a minute ago and all three of my dews were in there cage,
asleep in one hammock.  All I could see was Nicky's big ole belly, Ollie's
head and Pookie's feet.  Ahhhhhh.  They are so cute.  And no they don't have
me wrapped around their little fingers.
My posts will probably be scarce for awhile.  I have a couple of papers
coming up so I am going to have to camp out in the library for references.
Its in a critical theory class.  If you don't know, don't ask, you'll be
much happier. ;-)  Hopefully in a few weeks you will be regretting my
Margaret and her 19 little heathens
[Posted in FML issue 1850]