Greetings from Al.!  This is my first posting.  I have recently purchased a
male fert from a breeder who classifies him as a blue-eyed white.The only
info she could really give me was that his parents were from Arizona.
Hoagie's eyes are the color of a deep sapphire and are really beautiful.  I
was wondering if anyone has info on this color .  Not only is he unusual but
he is the biggest fert I have ever seen!!!  He weighed in at the vets at
five lbs.  My vet and the breeder say he is the biggest fert they have seen.
He doesn't fit into any of the fert products, such as hammocks sleep tubes,
clothes etc.  when I take him out everyone who sees him cannot beleive how
big and long he is.Because he is only seven months old, he wiil get bigger I
can't imagine what he will look like!!  I was also wondering will he change
now that he is being neutered .  The last ferts I had were from Marshall
Farms and were neutered so early , is that why hoagie is soo massive??  The
vet says he isn't overweight, just part possum.  Ha-ha!!  I just hope he
won't get a complex about his size from all the people saying how he is a
chunk, pork chop, etc.  I tell him they are jealous.
thanks,Katt and Hoagie
[Posted in FML issue 1850]