>From:    Irinia Turner
>Subject: CFL on the radio!
>On the way to work this morning I was listening to the local Bay Area
>station, KITS (Live 105). ... Someone from the CFL called and tried to
>promote our cause for legalization... I applaud the guy from CFL for
>trying, but he was shot down by someone trying to be funny at his expense.
I was appalled when I read the article on the Ferret Mailing List about a
local radio station KITS (Live 105) in the Bay area.  Here is a radio
program for public or general use and when a life or death appeal is made on
behalf of defenseless animals, by the CFL (Californians for Ferret
Legalization) these, so called, "professional" journalist proceed to make
fun of it!  This is disgraceful, if not down right vicious!  It's hard
enough to get the proper information out to the people that this issue
involves, but when it is preverted with miss information and then made the
outrageous butt of cruel jokes, I feel that it is a gross miscarriage of the
public air waves and trust!
It is true that I do not live in the state of Califorina, however the issue
of legalization of Ferrets does effect me.  For I was raised and my husband
was born and raised in Calif. and because of the laws we can not take the
chance of visiting family and friends still living there without the expence
of boarding our 2 ferrets or the fear if we tried to carry them with us, our
beloved pets could and would be ripped away by the Calif.  Fish and Game
Dept. and put to death for no other reason other than they are illegal!
It is also true that I have never heard of this KITS (Live 105) radio
program or the two co-hosts, Alex Bennet and Lori Thompson, but believe me,
if I had been in the Bay area, the next phone call would not have been such
a funny one.  After reading the comments of their reactions and remarks I
wounder if these two made wise cracks about the shuttle , Challanger's
explosion and the lost lives of six astronauts and civilian teacher's
deaths.  I mean, if they can be so cold-blooded about loving families pets
being ripped away and killed, then life to Alex Bennet and Lori Thompson
must be pretty cheep!
I am appealing that we ferret lovers, and not just the ones in Califorina,
but all around the country, contact this KITS (Live 105) station and bombard
it with e-mail on this live and death issue that seem to have given their
"responsible DJs" such a hoot!  After surfing the net I found that this
station's Asst. Programming Dir. is Roland West and his e-mail address is
[log in to unmask] --Maybe this KITS (Live 105) radio station might just right
this shamefulness and help in the cause of saving our beloved ferrets.
Also, maybe it would be good for KITS (Live 105) radio to see that the
remarks of it's two 'bright and witty' DJ's can and do send ripples of
indignation across the country!  Even if this station claims that the
statments made by it's personel does not reflect it's own views, still, they
should have the ethics to offer the CFL equal air time to make a serious
public commentary on this important issue.
It is time for all ferret owners to unite and not just in Califorina, but
I know that a lot of people say, but I don't live in Califorina so it not my
fight!  I'm safe for where I live, ferrets are legal!  Again, remember,
Californa is a big state and it carries a lot of political weight!  If their
legislature votes this law down, then what chance does any other ferret
owners in states, let alone county or citiy districts, have of passing a
bill, if one is ever voted on?  Not to mention, that the states where
ferrets are legal just might review their own laws.
The time is: NOW!
The place: CALIFORINA!
Everyone, let's not let our sweet, cute, and loving pets down!!!!!  I'm
appealing to all ferret owners, everywhere!  Let us band together and help
those in California who cannot vote to save their own lives!  LET US HELP
Ferrets should have the right to steal our socks!  Ferrets should have the
right to lick our tears away!  BUT, MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!  FERRETS HAVE THE
[Posted in FML issue 1850]