Greetings to ferret folk in the Netherlands!
I am Sandy Streit, a member of the Oregon Ferret Assoc who you occasionally
see on the FML.  I was able to take advantage of those super cheap airfares
and am headed your way.  I'll be staying with friends in Deventer.  I'll be
arriving 2/27 and staying for 2 weeks.
Please email me here before Tuesday:
A) If you can suggest any good stores carrying ferret merchandise.  No, I'm
not looking to buy another ferret, just presents for my babies, and maybe
some articles for our Fun Match raffle.
B) If you have an overwhelming urge to meet me so you can admire my family
photo showing my 4 beautiful ferrets: Bandit, Mandy, Amber, and Big Bear.
C) If you have marvelous ferrets you'd like me to meet and admire.
D) You wish to contribute a 10 inch quilt square to our raffle quilt.
You'll get 1 free raffle ticket for each square donated.  Limit of 2 squares
per person.
E) You want me to bring something for your ferret club to raffle.
I promise to be on my best behavior.  I won't go into a restaurant and
proclaim loudly, "What?  No Budweiser?" And no, you won't have to feed me.
My poor friends in Deventer are stuck with expense.
My mobility will be limited because I won't have a car.  If I have any
snooze sacks and Oregon Ferret Assoc T-shirts leftover, I'll bring them and
maybe we can trade items.  At the least, it would be fun to trade ferret
Sorry for the short notice, but I had to move fast to get the cheap price.
Being of Swiss descent, you can understand how hard it is for me to part
with a cent.
     Sandy Streit
[Posted in FML issue 1850]