Hello all you FMLer's out there!!!!!
This is Krazy Kritter (aka Matthew), I'm glad my post about the fuzzy chain
has attracted such interest.  I am currently working on setting up a
database that everyone can access from the web.  Also most like it will be
located at Ferret World, who has so kindly offered the web space so that
everyone can try to contact people along their routes and such.  Also it's
come to my attention that information about where people are traveling,
whether or not they can take their fuzzies, so that ferrets can be relayed
from one point to another.  I'm working on incorporating both of these idea
together, since they seem to fit so closely.  Rest assured I will make a big
announcement as soon as the Chain is established on the Internet.  I'm
excited about this project.  If you have ideas or suggestions for the Fuzzy
Chain, by all means send them on to me!  Just imagine the possibilities
someday a fuzzy network stretched across the world!
Krazy Kritter............ [log in to unmask]
Peanut Kritter............. [log in to unmask]
Bijoux Kritter.............. [log in to unmask]
Munchkin Kritter...... [log in to unmask]
Figaro Kritter.......... [log in to unmask]
World Wide Pager..... http://wwp.mirabilis.com/279754
[Posted in FML issue 1850]