Dear Readers,
I have written to Margaret in reference to the Ferret Chain, and I would
like to pass on my thoughts pubically about all the good intentions the
chain is trying to do, and the backlash it could create.
Has anyone ever thought of the high risk someone could be putting themselves
in by being a reciepient of an open home to unknown people, and the only
common thread is being a ferret owner?
Unfortunately, in todays society, one must be careful of exposing themselves
to un-needed danger of their lives, or prosessions, and taking in an unknown
person could be setting themselves up for disaster, while there may be some
good people out there, what about that one person who is not what they claim
to be, or what we percieve them to be.  Because one is a ferret lover, does
not mean, that they are of good morals, or does not have a hidden history of
something we normally wouldn't want to be part of, or be around.
Just remember, safety of oneself, your children, your home and of course
your ferret (s), should be the top priority.
I work, my husband works I have 2 young children that are home alone at one
point before I get home, I try to protect them from danger, BUT, what if a
unsavory ferret owner is out there, and uses this chain for his/her benifit,
that is not in accordance of what this is meant to be used for.  Would a
single woman, allow a unknown traveling man, stop and sleep over in her home
just because he has a ferret?  And vice versa, what chances would a man take
in having a woman come to his home and sleep in his home, and not really
know this woman, and find down the road, he has been summond with a warrent
for something he did not do.
And what makes it safer if a single woman is contacted by another woman, and
will be "traveling" in her area with her ferret, and find out that the
person lived in that area to begin with, but used it as an excuse, and with
address and phone number in hand, shows up to this persons door to do harm,
and it was actually a man?  And remember, Women are known to commit crimes
as well.
Please, as much as I like people, and love to have company, we must find
another way of making a great idea even safer.  The chain sounds good, but I
would hate to hear that a good person is harmed or lost through someone
elses evil mind.
Please, I don't want any flame, I have been toying with this idea for along
time, and felt I had to write my views.
[Posted in FML issue 1850]