We have 2 cages, (one that came with a rescue and the other one we built out
of a cabinet in an emergency) that we would like to make available for
$10.00 each to anyone who can come and pick them up.  We live in Waterloo
Ontario.  They are both made of wood - that is the draw back, but they have
linoleum floors.  One is 27 1/2" wide, 22" high and 43" long, has a side
door and a large top door, with an area blocked off for the litter box.  The
other one is 18" high, 15" wide and 41" long, has a side door and the whole
top lifts up - is on hinges and stays up when lifted up.  I know that wood
is not good but like I said, they were emergency cages.  We have acquired
more appropriate ones since and no longer need these.  Our phone # is
(519) 888-0443.
Now that Snoopy is gone, I think that Nikki is our next great concern.  She
has lost a patch of fur (about 1") at the base of her tale and we suspect
adrenal disease.  Out vet does not touch this disease and the other vet that
we went to has about the same view.  We need someone that knows what they
are talking about.  I hate this watching our friends die when I know there
something that can be done.  Debbie Riccio once told us about her vet when
we suspected adrenal with our Buddy and it was worth the 3 1/2 hr.  drive to
go and see him.  We will go to him again if I cannot find someone in our
area.  One vet recommended a clinic for "exotics" in Preston (called Preston
Animal Clinic I think).  Has any of you Ontarians heard anything about this
clinic.  What kinds of questions should I be asking them when I call to
scrutinize them.  Can any of you in my area, including Toronto recommend a
vet that knows about adrenal disease i ferrets?  I know times is of the
essence here so I would appreciate any responses as soon as possible.  Once
again I thank you for your unending knowlege and selfless help.  God bless
all of you.
Tryntje Miller                   Net:[log in to unmask]
Conrad Grebel College Library    Tel: (519) 885-0220 ext. 239
Waterloo, Ontario                Fax: (519) 885-0014
N2L 3G6
[Posted in FML issue 1850]