Hello, everybody! I just want to introduce myself and my three ferrets to
the FML. I am Ellen. There, enough about me :) on to the ferrets.
Antony (affectionately known as Grandpa Tony).  Antony is 7 years old and
just under 3 lbs.  I have had him since he was only 8 weeks old or so.  He
is (well, WAS sable... see below) sable in color all over his body.  He's
been very healthy except for an adrenal problem four years ago.  One gland
was removed at that time (along with 2 big hairballs--so that's where all
the fur went :)).  He is currently diagnosed with another adrenal problem in
the other gland.  He lost his fur again but it grew back a couple of months
ago.  Due to his age and history we are following the vet's recommendation
and not pursuing more surgery.  His fur grew back in with a lot of grey.
This and his age made us call him Grandpa Tony.
Lexie (short for Alexandria).  She is 6 years old and I think a black eyed
white stripe.  She had to have her teeth cleaned under anesthesia once but
otherwise she is very healthy.  She is the most mellow ferret and has always
been that way.  She moves slowly, she likes to lie around a lot and she
hates to climb although she'll do it to get to food.  I have had Lexie since
she was 2 months old also.
Babe (named after the pig of book and movie fame because she made pig
snorting sounds sniffing her environs the first night she was with us).
Babe is only 6 months old.  I got her from a guy at work who didn't want her
(he didn't have her long, obviously).  She is such a sweetie.  She's a sable
point (hope I got that right, her tail and legs are all dark and body has
lighter underhairs).  She is full of energy and enthusiasm and curiousity.
We've had here since the end of November.
Cleo (short for Cleopatra). Antony and Cleopatra were purchased together.
Cleo had distemper when I bought her (unbeknownst to me) and was put to
sleep within 2 months when she started to have seizures. It was awful to
watch her suffer. She looked much like Lexie looks.
Well, that's enough from me. I look forward to all the ferret stories and
information. I hope I can keep up with the volume of mail!
Ellen & Jay Goffin <[log in to unmask]>
-----ferrets: Antony (Grandpa Tony), Lexie & Babe; rb ferret: Cleo
----------bird: Merlin; rb bird: Arthur
---------------cats: Andre & Enzo
[Posted in FML issue 1848]