In the last few days you all have known that I was getting frustrated with
my two little fuz balls about them not getting along.  Well with your help
and support Sunday night was the first time they left eachother alone.  The
key for me was investing in the bitter apple gel.  I put it on both ferts
coats (necks, backs, feet).  Al (the larger and new addition) would chase
pete around and they would get in a tiff (both are fixed males).  Both would
try to get at eachother but didnt like the taste.  So they just went there
seperate ways.  Next time I will do the same thing but put ferretone on
their faces.  Pete was a little stress out so we gave him lots of love and
put him in his cage.(he then drank lots of water) Al I thing he was just
To all I mailed this to and FML,
Thank you very much
[Posted in FML issue 1833]