I wrote to you a couple of weeks ago about my new ferret I got for
christmas.  Bambi is a Marshall Farms ferret.  She was 14 weeks old, I got
her 9 week shot and before I could get her 12 week shot she started to get
sick so they wouldnt give her her shot, I am very sad to report that Bambi
was put to sleep last night, she had distemper and suffering really bad.
The vet determined that either she never got her 6 week shot like they were
suppose to give her or she was born with it.  I have been up crying all
night and having nightmares.  I just wanted to thank all of you who have
been there for me through the night I really appriciate it, I just hope I
can get through this.  I still have a 10 week old male, Bouncer, and he is
doing ok but I cant even look at him now because it hurts to much.  I just
hope Bambi is in a better place now that she's not suffering anymore, I will
always love you Bambi with all of my heart...........
[Posted in FML issue 1848]