Hi all,
Greetings from sunny Florida!  SO and I will be adopting a seven week old
male wolf next week, and I am concerned about integrating this new boy into
our 1 dog, 1 cat, 4 free-range ferrets home.  The ferrets, cat & dog coexist
with great ease & comfort, all 6 are healthy and have no special needs or
behavior problems, and SO has had experience raising wolves from puppy-hood.
I am looking for info on integrating the new kid with the ferrets.  Is it
safe for them?  How do we go about introducing them all to each other?  I'm
also interested in web sites with info on keeping pet wolves.
Thanks for the help.
Best regards,
Paula & Doug
Kelsey the Cat "Oh, Mom, not another one!"
Cady the Wonder Dawg "Now what, Mom?"
Camille, Rikki, Heidi, Conan
[Posted in FML issue 1847]