If you can stand to hear MHO;
I can't quite swallow the blanket statement that MF ferrets are more sickly
than non-MF ferrets.  I must say that in the two months I've been on the
FML, I've been reading about an awful lot of sick fuzzies and so many of
them are not from MF, so I don't think that it's a fair conclusion to make.
And in somewhat of a defense to MF (although I don't approve of all of their
breeding practices) I would like to say that if it weren't for MF selling
their ferrets to my local pet shop, I would never have been introduced to
the joy of these wonderful little beings.  I wouldn't trade my two MF
fuzzies for anything in the world.  They are two of the most gentle and
loving creatures in the universe.  And I hardly had to train them not to
bite people.  They NEVER bite anyone and I take them to all kinds of school
classrooms where they can be trusted with children.  They only demonstrate
And while I'm on the subject of sick fuzzies, I want to know if anyone else
on the FML is ever paranoid about the health of their babies when reading
all the illness possibilities of them.  I know I would rather be an informed
"mom" for the sake of my pets, but it really does depress me sometimes to
hear about all the sad diseases these little guys can get.  One of mine has
already had adrenal surgery and I must admit that I would have realized
sooner what the problem was if I had been more informed, but sometimes I'm
just looking for symptoms assuming that they will get ill.  And it doesn't
help hearing people labeling my MF loved ones as weakened or defective
It seems to me that there are plenty of sick ferrets out there from a lot of
different breeders.  If you want to do a scientific survey to see if MF has
a higher incidence of congenital weaknesses, then please be my guest.  But I
would guess that there are just a whole lot more of their animals around
which would account for the percentages you suggest.  IMHO.
Ferret Bueller & Houdini
P.S.  This is not meant to be a flame.  I just wanted some of you to know
how a lot of us MF ferret owners feel.
[Posted in FML issue 1817]