My seven month old cinnamon mitt came to me as a basically unsocialized guy.
He was very skittish and a biter.  I purchased him from a private breeder
but he was not actually one of hers.  She had saved out another guy for me,
but this one was so big and beautiful I had to have him.
Anyway Phoenix (AKA Baby Huey) has ripped my hands to shreds.  He is too
strong and heavy for me to scruff and nose flicking puts him into self
defense mode.  What I basically have had to do is tough out the bites and
just hold him tightly, pet him, snuggle him, and smother him with kisses and
After telling my friends what a tough guy Phoenix was I took him to work to
show him off.  All the way to work I hel him on my lap.  He fell asleep
there -- never struggled once.  He let my friends pet him and one even held
him!  He never nipped anyone.  He let me cuddle him, hold him in my arms
like a baby, kiss him.
All the way home -- same thing -- but once we were back in the house he was
chomping and squirming again.  It was truly Jeckyl and Hyde.
He's better this week though. He loves to play tag and hide and go seek. He
has a vinyl frog that he'll chase after and hide. He plays in the shower.
He stands against your leg to get attention. He bounces and twists and
hisses and wags his tail like a wild thing. AND he hasn't broken the skin
in days.
In cyberspace no one can hear you scream...
[Posted in FML issue 1817]