The product that I use to totally handle any smell at all in the carpet is
called Natures Miracle, which is really great in cleaning up pet urine,
vomit, and feces.  It removes the stuff with enzymes and will take off the
stains as well.  You can put your nose right up to the area three days later
and there will be no traces of aroma left.
The reason it takes three days to complete the job is that you need to
saturate the stain/mess with the Natures Miracle liquid, straight from the
bottle, and let it dry naturally, not blot it up with tissues.  There is a
satisfaction or money back guarantee.
The reason I like the product so much is that it discourages my ferrets from
returning to the wrong place because there are traces of their smell left
behind.  Also works great on puppy accidents.
I see this product sold in the larger pet supply stores and sometimes in
feed shops as well.
[Posted in FML issue 1817]