If you have big fat ferrets (but not obese) with full fluffy coats I would
like to know what you feed them.  I've noticed that different food (with all
the essential ingrediants) cause different coat qualities, ect.  I would
like to feed mine a mix with some food that leads to nice fluffy coats, plus
I have one who really needs to gain a little weight.  If I get a lot of
response to this I will mail a synopsis to the list.  Thanks in advance.
Holly (hooman)
Rascal (dig, dig, dig, dig)
Samantha (I will dominate everyone!!!!!)
TJ (See my harem:))
Maggie - (Sreeeech!!)  She is new and screams horribly whenever one of my
guys looks at her.
PS. A friend of mine wanted me to say that he finds indoor/outdoor carpet
wonderful for his cage.  He buys it in squares (cheap) from home depot and
just hoses it when it is soiled.
[Posted in FML issue 1817]