Forgot two things:
I lost Bruce Williams' web page address.  It's something which could help
many so could someone post it and sent the to us?
[Moderator's note:           BIG]
Someone asked how to teach the words "fix" and "leg".  It's easy (unless the
ferret is deaf or has another handicap which interferes).  For "fix" each
time somethiing is wrong use "-----(person name) fix ---------- (whatever it
is you are fixing such as "pot", "water", "raisin", etc.)." Then the ferret
leanrs that fix means to correct a problem and you always do it even if it
may take a while sometimes!  For the body parts make it a game and switch
order or number of parts included each time.  Rub the ferret's head and say
"------------(person name) rub-rub ---------- 's (ferret's name) head-head."
then do it for other body parts.  Do the same for "bump-bump" (our word
around here for nose bumps), and for "kiss-kiss" (For whatever reason they
DO seem to like things doubled.  For example each of our guys has a
"belly-belly".  Some of our's know chest and back.  All know head, nose,
feet, hands, belly, leg.  All know bum, but we leave that one out of the
kiss game, though I'd swear that the others think we must now include it for
Meltdown!  everybody plays this game almost every day since we like ti, too!
It's fun.
sleepy Sukie
P.S.  Had to interrrupt this note because Meltdown wanted to be carried
around the place for "Patrol Weasel" and she wa very interested in the
makeup basket (Yes, she to patrol in forbidden areas -- what a joy!) so I
let her do something she hasn't requested in years -- rub her nose on a
lipstick.  She used to do that a LOT when young; and then she'd just HAVE to
show off her nose to Steve!
[Posted in FML issue 1817]