Our ferret is about 12 weeks old, the runt of the litter, and the most
active ferret we have.  She is non-stop, constantly on the go, fights it
when it is bedtime, the whole works.  She went for her shots yesterday with
her four brothers and sisters.  One of the ferrets is the same age as her,
two a couple weeks older, and then 3 older ones.  The vet said that they
would likely acquire a fever and be a little drained for a day but not to
worry because it was from the shot.  Having 7 ferrets, we knew that.  Last
night while they were out playing, she started hacking and the sorts.  The
next thing we know, we hear this grinding noise and it is her vomitting.  I
read that ferrets rarely vomit and this scared us but there isn't that much
you can do at 12 at night.  We tried to catch her to check her, but she is
the fastest ferret we have, and I kinda thought, that if she is still active
enough to be running, that she must be feeling okay.  She hadn't been
chewing on anything for we keep their play area very clean, and we supervise
them when they are out and in the cage.  The one ferret the same age as her
was perfectly fine, and so was the other three who also had their shots that
day.  So we decided to wait it out.  We gave her hairball remedy this
morning because she was still hacking some, but she was still very active.
My vet isn't too familiar with ferrets, being in a small town and all, so
short of taking her to a vet in the next state, is their any advice for us.
Anything would be appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 1817]