Hello there.  I am writing on behalf of my vet and myself, and I need advice
from anyone who can help.  My little boy has been losing weight.  I got a
little worried when he never really got a winter fat layer, but the abnormal
stool the other day prompted a quick visit to the vet today; he's lost
nearly an entire pound!!!  This is the information I've been asked to
forward to the experts: 3.5 year old, neutered male.  Symptoms... weight
loss (from 2.2 pounds last October, to 1.4 pounds today), soft stool with
increased mucus, and greenish hue.  Bright/Alert/Responsive, fair appetite,
no hair loss (possible slight thinning - due to stress?).  PE: Thin (loss of
cervical fat pad), enlarged spleen, No - LN's, no hair loss.  Lab: inc.  HCT
(62.6%), inc.  HGB (21.2 g/dl), very high TP (9.44 g/dl), inc.  BUN (48.6
mg/dl), inc.  Na (165.1 mmol/l).  Glucose of 90.5 mg/dl.  WBC=6.7 If any
other info would help, email me.  I almost never took him in because he is
acting so normal.  She is the best ferret vet in the area, but also one of
the only.  We really need advice on how to handle this.  Email me direct if
possible, or to the list if necessary.  Thank you for reading, I'll look for
Anxiously waiting....
Tina and Podo
[Posted in FML issue 1817]