The newly-named Circle City Ferret Club will have its third meeting on
Sunday, Feb.  2 from 2:00-4:00 p.m.  at All Wild Things, 6058 N.  Keystone
Ave., Indianapolis, IN.  The meeting will include time for committees to
meet (Rescue and Adoption, and Education and Outreach).  If you have
questions about the meeting, the club, or if you would like to get on our
mailing list, please let me know!  The club currently has about 45 people
representing about a bazillion ferrets, we meet every other month, with
newsletters issued the months we don't meet.  Spread the word!  Thanks--
Sally Childs-Helton
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"Cuteness is a survival trait"--Darwin (the Ferret--not to be confused
with Charles)
[Posted in FML issue 1817]