Hi folks;
Re:Meltdown, etc.
I know what typing at the wee hours when exhausted is like.  No need to
appologize for any typos.
I just thought I' d let you know you're all in my prayers.  You guys are
doing such a wonderful job with Meltdown that it makes me wish everyone had
1/10th, even 1/100th of the caring that you do for Meltie, for their four
legged kids.  I marvel at how much you and Meltie can communicate &
sometimes just shake my head when I hear of some of the neglect and abuse
cases that exist out there.
My Jimmy cat person is going on 17 yrs., and stable after we thought she was
going because of kidney failure.  The worst she was suffering with was an
upper respiratory infection..  What makes it so bad for cat people is that
they have to identify food by smell, & when their head is clogged, they
smell no food, so stop eating.  Three days of this can have the liver shut
down & they expire.  The vet here Rx's Neosenephrin .25% human nasal drops,
& had to offer Science Diet growth canned as it smelled more than dry food,
but she's doing much better.
Bunny the rescue ferret, 95% bald had a couple of sessions where she'd gasp
for air with her head arched back, then not breathe at all for maby 20
seconds.  The first time it happaned I asked Susanne here who is more
experienced with ferrets than I & she said "she's dying, just let her go"..
When Mr. Bear had hypoglycemic crisis she taught me to put clover honey on
his gums & under the tounge, then follow with recipe with Deliver 2.0 for
extra calories.  I tried this with Bunny & though it took 20 minutes instead
of 5 with Bear, she came out of it.  The vet said the insulinoma & the
adrenal problems sort of counter act each other, so if I could manage it
with diet it would be better than any Rx at this point.  It's been almost 2
months now, & what seems to help is to leave her out so she has access to a
small tent that has a heating pad under the floor set on very low.  (It's a
new type with digital control & maby 8 levels instead of the old 3).  It
seems to help her conserve energy so she eats a variety of dry food on her
own, in addition to recipe I make up every day.  At least this way I don't
have to hand feed her every few hours.  Last spring she came in on Easter
Sunday, hence the name Bunny, and at that time she was estimated to be
between 7 & 8 yrs old as her canines are translucent.  She has a good and
kind spirit & gives kisses.  After eating, especially recipe, she rubs her
chin so hard on the carpet that she lifts her front feet off the ground:)
All this and when my Squeeky passed on in her sleep last year with no
symptoms at all before it happened, has taught me that there is no
guaranties in life, & to appreciate everyone day by day & not be stingy with
hugs & loving time.
Timmy, though sneezing with a cold, is doing very well and since it's going
on 2 years after recovering fully from "terminal lymphoma" it's really nice
to live with a "living miracle".  He has as much curiosity, alertness &
cuteness as ever.  His home page with picture & recipes is:
http://ferret-world.clayton.edu/timmy.html, courtesy of Roger Poore.
I've gone thru about 3 weeks now of the flu bug, & 4 of the ferrets have had
or are going thru having head colds, so I'm just hoping this new year turns
out better than the last one!
  Take care & hugs to all
           Gary & the gang of fur ->
  Thru joining, their grief has been transmuted to joy,
  loneliness to celebration...
  ..Data, in "The Tin Man" episode, STNG.
[Posted in FML issue 1816]