Some people will remember my post from New Year's Day about the ferret I
found wandering around WWU.  I haven't been able to find his owner, and
I've given up.  Since I already have four fuzzies of my own, and my
soon-to-be-fiance has three, I'm hoping to find an FMLer who will give him
a good home.
He's a male brownish sable, not an MF (no tattoos).  Fixed, but I'm not sure
about descented, since I think he may have sprayed once since I brought him
home.  Kind of on the long side, but putting on weight nicely.  He has a
really pretty mask, and will be very handsome when he fills out.  He's
healthy, bright-eyed, curious, and *fast*.  He just wants to explore,
explore, explore, and man, can he *move* when the opportunity presents
itself.  He hasn't shown much desire to play with me, but I'm not surprised
since he doesn't really know who the hell I am.  He's very interested in my
ferrets, but I'm keeping them separated since I think he has ear mites.
He's on the largish side and is gaining weight rapidly.  He's only nipped me
the once, and it was just the lick-lick-lick-chomp thing, and I should have
known better than to let him start.
Anyway, he's available to anyone willing to come to Bellingham, WA to get
him.  All I ask is that you be a dedicated ferret lover (who here isn't?),
and reimburse me for the $15 I spent getting him a rabies shot.  He wants to
be with other ferrets, so if you already have fuzzies, he'll likely fit
right in.
I think he'll be a great addition to someone's household.  I'd keep him
myself if I could.  Please email or call me at (360) 734-7407 if you're
[Posted in FML issue 1816]