Dear fellow fert-lovers,
We are owned by 4 of the greatest little ferts in the world.  It will be 3
weeks this coming Friday that our 8 month old silver mitt "Smokey" started
having diarrhea.  We tried all of the suggested treatments from the posts we
read in the Digest.  We took him to the Vet on Saturday, (the day after he
got sick).  He was sent back home with Amoxicillin and Pepto for the weekend.
After not eating on his own, and continued runs, we took him back on Monday.
Tests and X- rays were done.  After a week, he was admitted to the Univ. of
Tennessee Vet. teaching hospital for a 5 day stay and a score of tests,
including Barium X-rays and scoping the exophagus.  $500 later no blockage
was found, so they were not keen on the idea of opening him up.  We brought
him back home last Friday, he was re-admitted Monday, and released to us
Tuesday with a box full of medicines.  He has shown very little improvement.
He will not eat on his own, and continues to have diarrhea.  I'm going
broke, and going crazy.  We don't want to lose our baby.  What else can we
try?  Please, any advice is welcome.  Any suggestions to get him to eat?
Thanks in advance.
Teresa Glasgow + Smokey, Bandit, Lilly, and Natasha
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[Posted in FML issue 1815]